Plus, why our brain never forgets injuries, yet has almost immediate “ultra amnesia” over type-two fun.
– Jenn Hughes
Kilian’s 10th Win at Zegama Sets a New Course Record
As if the whole world needed a little smile, along came a three-day weekend seemingly maxed out with joy among trail runners.
The Western States Training Camp brought community and sun-drenched single track (?:1, 3) while Kilian Jornet and Emelie Forsberg shared a sweet finish line moment after she won the women’s Vertical K (?:2). Epic congrats to Kilian on his 10th win and new course record in 3:36 at the Zegama trail marathon.
Ann Trason, Scott Jurek, Jim Walmsley – these might be a few of the names you associate with the legendary Western States Endurance Run.
But do you know Doug White?
Chances are, if you’ve been at Western in the past two decades, you’ve likely met him.
This week, Heather Balogh Rochfort introduces us to Doug and his family, who have been tending the mile-38 Dusty Corners aid station for 21 years. What started as a promise to his dad after surviving cancer became a family labor of love to serve runners on their big day.
Next month will be Doug’s final tour captaining Dusty Corners – get to know their family story and then stop by and say hello if you happen to be at Western.
Welcome back to the aid station! Just remember the order of operations here is bottles, community trail mix, then lube reapplication. – Corrine
☕ Is it better to chew your caffeine? We know that caffeine used at the right time in the right environment can be performance enhancing, but there are so many different ways to ingest it. We can drink it, consume it in gels, or even pop pills … but what about caffeinated gum? Good news for us, we now have a better picture of what that looks like. Main points:
When you consume caffeine in a gel or energy drink there is about a 20-30 minute delay until feeling a noticeable effect – this occurs because the caffeine must be absorbed, pass the liver, and then enter our bloodstream before we “feel it.”
Because caffeinated chewing gum is absorbed directly in the mouth (bypassing the liver) it hits our system faster.
☕ Final Word: If you’ve shied away from caffeine due to fears of GI distress, you might want to give caffeinated gum a try – as the majority of caffeine is absorbed before it reaches your gut. A possible pick-me-up without tummy troubles. Like with anything, dosage and timing are still important here, so practice during training before race day.
Read More Online ➡️ Corrine tackles running at night and why coaches should look at each client as an “experiment of one.”
? Three Laws of Injury: No one wants to think about injury, but if you’re experiencing a nagging niggle – stop here and read Joe Uhan’s Three Laws of Running Injury. Preview: Once you feel pain, the brain wants to change how you run – forever.
❄️ Northern Exposure: Like an intriguing whisper from the north, you may have heard the name Norda floating around. Heavy on sustainable innovation, silent on marketing – the new shoe brand from Canada is gaining steady traction solely through passionate word of mouth. GearPatrol shares their compelling story and provides a complete review.
? Final Word: Super fans of all things trail will be thrilled to know that Jamil Coury’s quirky Mountain Outpost show is back. Get the latest racing and sport news, or as he says “the craziest $h*t to happen in running this week.”