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The Demystifying Series: How to get into Western States Endurance Run

If American ultrarunning had a Superbowl, it would start in Olympic Valley, California, and end 100.2 miles later on the Placer High School track in Auburn. But how does one get into the infamous Western States?! This article breaks it down.

Quest for the Crest: In Pursuit of What’s Possible

From the Cascade Crest 100 to Angeles Crest 100, ultrarunner Jeffrey Stern shares the story of running two hundred mile races in two weeks.

The Demystifying Series: How to get into UTMB

How do you get into UTMB? There is a bit of an entry process for this iconic 106-mile race. We'll teach you how to collect stones!

The Big Alta: Daybreak Racing and Freetrail’s Relationship Mullet 

Insights on the success and sustainability of trail racing from the inaugural Big Alta weekend

Kick off the New Year – Events Opening Now

Below you will find a list of races that open their registration on or around January 1. Some of these events will sell out quickly, be prepared. Others offer the best possible pricing to early birds. Whichever camp your goal race falls into, be prepared, be patient, and don't be afraid of wait lists. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Races Opening Registration 11/28-12/4

December is a hot month for 2024 race registration! The most popular events sell out quickly. Keep your eyes glued to ultrasignup.com to get your spot and ensure the best possible pricing on your favorite races!

The Making of “Lucy’s Dad”

A conversation with running filmmaker Dylan Harris about his experience making the film "Lucy's Dad."

Races Opening Registration 10/30-11/5

It's a busy week, the start of what we like to call "registration season." Between now and the first week of January, races begin to open registration for 2024. Keep your eyes glued to ultrasignup.com to ensure the best possible pricing on your favorite races!

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