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Braden VanDragt

Why I run:

I run to turn my brain off. I aim for that perfect point where I can sustain forward movement with no room for willful thought. The goal is to let my consciousness melt into the mountains and trees.


My favorite place to run:

Mount Rainier National Park is hard to beat—especially the Wonderland Trail—though the North Cascades (especially when the larches are popping!) are certainly in contention.


What I hope to convey through my content:

The running community has built a big tent, and I’m here for all of it. I want to talk about how people connect to themselves and their world through such a fundamental human pursuit. Running is the best, but it’s also the worst—just like life.


More about Braden:

I’m an amateur runner, accidental writer, professional video producer, and aspiring non-awful dad to the world’s greatest 3-year-old. Before I became a dad, my weekends were spent in the mountains of western Washington—now I’m a reluctant roady who steals away to the mountains in search of my fix.

Recent posts by Braden VanDragt

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What is Eco-Friendly Running Gear?

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The Demystifying Series: What is the Golden Trail World Series?

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The Demystifying Series: How to get into Western States Endurance Run

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The Demystifying Series: How to get into UTMB

How do you get into UTMB? There is a bit of an entry process for this iconic 106-mile race. We’ll teach you how to collect stones!