Why I run
When spared by the injury gods, I run to run away from my problems. Although they generally work themselves out on the trail. I run to pass the time, to make sense of the passing of time, and to slow down time. (It’s as close to getting our hands on a time-turner as we’re going to get!) I run to grow and to feel small in the great big world. I run to keep up with friends and to channel my competitive angst in a socially-acceptable way. I run because it’s a more effective way of exploring the world than staring at the black line at the bottom of the pool. And I run to tire out my body and brain so that I can curl up contentedly on the couch with a good book.
My favorite trail to run
Wherever I am today. (Chalk this up less to finding inner peace, and more to being frenetic and indecisive.)
What I hope to convey with my writing
Look, running is a ridiculous sport. It’s what most sports do for punishment, after all! Sometimes you puke. Usually you ache. And if you’re lucky to run for long enough, you’ll end up with degraded joints. I hope to unveil and celebrate the absurdities of this sport. Also, despite nearly everyone dreading that dirty three letter “r” word growing up, by participation numbers running is the most popular sport in America. And yet few seem to follow the sport as fans. I hope to unpack this paradox and to help make running as entertaining from the sidelines as it is from the trail.
More about Abby
When not clacking away on the keyboard, you can find me tripping over trails in Boulder, Colorado and sometimes in the southwest corner of New Hampshire. Come challenge my opinions on Instagram, Strava, or Twitter.
Few races have captured the imagination like this rugged race through the San Juans.