Got mixed feelings about running in the winter? You're not alone.
Anyone else in for the 22-miler? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻🙋🏾‍♂️ Meet ya down the block. Find more from Brendan Leonard on Instagram @Semi_Rad and explore his pieces curated exclusively for UltraSignup.
Whether you're wolf #6 or mid-pack is a state of mind, welcome to the wild wonderful world of ultrarunning where everyone is a rock star no matter what your UltraSignup rank is.
We know you've all said it. "That's a fun race." But what did YOU mean by it? Comment on this article, our latest from Semi-Rad.
We can help you find a race to explore your pain cave. While you're in there you might get the Krabby Patty Secret Formula from SpongeBob.
Find more from Brendan Leonard on Instagram @Semi_Rad and explore his pieces curated exclusively for UltraSignup.
In Brendan Leonard's latest for UltraSignup News, the man known as Semi-Rad, shares Bad Advice for Ultramarathon Runners.
In Brendan Leonard's latest for UltraSignup News, the man known as Semi-Rad compares race distances to sugary convenience store drinks.